ICT Valvuler Leak Sealer Reconstruction System

Increased Vein Diameter is the Real Problem!

Superficial venous insufficiency (VI) can be treated with multiple methods. But all treatment methods for VI are cancelling the problematic vein works by heat ablation, embolization or surgically removal.


These treatment options are not applicable for deep venous insufficiency (DVI). DVI is generally an untreated syndrome that effect quality of life dramatically in the long run. However, it is claimed that there is a surgical treatment option, success rate is dramatically low.

Repair & Restore the Function of the Valves

ICT works as an exo-skeleton for the dilated vein and helps vein to restore original diameter. With the help of exo-skeleton, distance between vein valves get closer and valves start functioning again.

How It Works?

ICT works as an exo-skeleton for vein valves. Procedure is fast, safe and easy. It can be done in outpatient conditions in minutes. Procedure steps are consistent of:

• Mapping and detecting problematic vein valves to  be treated with Doppler-Ultrasound (DUS).

• Placing a 6F introducer sheath between vein and muscle fascia a few cm before the target valve.

• Sending the specially braided 6F application catheter to the treatment zone between vein and muscular fascia through the introducer sheath.

• Injection of necessary amount of biopolymer  around the vein valve.


  • ICT is the first real treatment option for VI.
  • ICT fixes the problematic vein by preserving it.
  • It is the only solution for deep venous insuffiency so far.
  • It is fast, safe and effective.
  • Can be performed under outpatient conditions.
  • Patient can return their daily routines immediately.