Voltran Phototherapy System

The Nasal Phototherapy System is a phototherapy treatment of the nasal mucosa suitable for patients suffering from allergic rhinitis (hay fever).
It is used to reduce the body's immune response to inhaled allergens (such as pollen, molds, pet dander and mites) and the symptoms of allergic rhinitis by inhibiting histamine release from mast cells and inducing apoptosis of lymphocytes and eosinophils in the nasal cavity.



 Application in case of seasonal

- Nasal Phototherapy System treatments should be applied for two consecutive weeks. –

The length of treatment periods can be increased as stated below:


Nasal Phototherapy System TreatmentsTime Per Nostril ( Minutes : Seconds)


-The first treatment may take 2 minutes, however, it is not possible for a treatment to take more than 3 minutes.

-No more than 4 treatments can be applied in a week, which takes 2 consecutive weeks. However, a gap of at least one day should be left between the two treatments.

If severe allergic symptoms are present, treatment may be continued for four weeks after an individual assessment, but the maximum treatment time of 3 minutes per nostril should not be exceeded.

- At the beginning of a new pollen period and/or in case of emergence of a new allergen, it will be possible to repeat the treatment. It is not possible to apply more than 20 treatments in a year.

Application in the presence of non-seasonal (perenial) allergies

- In the case of non-seasonal allergies, it is possible for their treatment to take countless weeks.

-3 treatments should be applied, followed by a maintenance treatment once a week.

-The duration of treatment may be increased as stated below:

Nasal Phototherapy System TreatmentsTime Per Nostril ( Minutes : Seconds)
                                                                                    Week 1
                                                                                    Week 2
                                                                                    Week 3
                                                                                    Week 4
                                                                                    Week 5
                                                                                    Week 6


  • It inhibits the release of histamine from the allergen in the skin
  • Inhibits antigen-induced histamine release in mast cells
  • Promote lymphocyte and eosinophil apoptosis
  • It decreases the number of eosinophil cells, ECP and interleukin-5 levels in the nasal secretions of treated patients.
  • AC Input Source:


320 mA/ 75 VA,

  • Fuses 250V, 2A
  • Output Peak Wavelength: 367 nm
  • Output Peak Wavelength Deviation Value: ±%5
  • Output Dominant Wavelength: 565 nm
  • Output Dominant Wavelength Deviation Value: ±%5
  • Pulse Frequency: Continuous
  • Light Sources: Xenon
  • UVA/UVB Output Power/cm2: 5:1
  • Optical Radiation Risk Group: Risk Class III
  • Eye/Skin Hazard Distance: 200 mm
  • Degree of Protection: IP20
  • Electrical Safety Class: Class - I
  • Patient Connection Type: BF
  • Software Version: VRS:NSFT0.01
  • Software Class: Class A
Order NumberModels
EN1001Voltran Phototherapy Device
EN1002Voltran Phototherapy System-Replaceable Tip 1 pcs
EN1003Voltran Phototherapy System-Application Line
EN1004Voltran Phototherapy System-Replaceable Tip 10 pcs
EN1005Voltran Phototherapy System-Replaceable Tip 50 pcs